I had an unusual challenge to share the planetary Sky with my ordinary neutral standing, being born and raised in Sweden, it saddens me with the undercurrent uncertainty as Sweden joined NATO. So, I kept staring at my writing, and editing and with some personal family emergencies – I had not been able to finish what I started at the end of June… Now, here we are after a horrific attempt assassination on Trump, a resistant Biden who has been asked to resign. My planetary observations continue to be positive, optimistic, and with faith in my heart, here I am! This writing is not new, I had a block to not recognize my own state of Love for Life and continue to ‘Be Selfish in an Unselfish Way”, simply because I must stay sane as I support my family, friends, clients and our shared vision for a safe future.

On July 21, (6:17 AM, EDT) a second Full Moon in July and in Capricorn will occur at 29°09” degrees, defined as Anaretica. This ancient medieval degree becomes crucial for the shift to 0° degrees to move onto the next planet observed. The typical associations to the Anaretic degree are the final form of matter to be dissolved, the destroyer of matter. It is a loner, an outsider in society. It is often an independent, an exhausted degree, as well as a notable person. There is a test of patience since the growth to an ending takes place. There is a fatalistic connotation to someone with this degree in their natal birth chart. The ‘death’ fact is often involved as we study this degree. There is a death before a re-birth is accepted and understood.

During July, two Full Moons fall in Capricorn and are observed for a new order to begin to merge. Are we ready? Capricorn, the sign of authorities and control, as well as discipline and Father Time will be the teacher for everybody in some level or another. It is also a hope for the fact that another vision, a new beginning of a phase to explore other possibilities around the corner, or as you will notice is eagerly anticipated from now until 2026. The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto must reach 29° degree before we come to understand the impact of the current time in history.

I have presented workshops, lectures, and at local community events with the title, “How Loud Will the Gods Speak? Exactitude and Power of the Anaretic 29°59’59” Degree”. The following is shared so that we can recognize the United States as not divided but those Gods are pretty loud, won’t you agree? Patience, not with violence but with our heart and mind in the correct place will support the Sky’s message.

Pluto, stationed Retrograde on May 2nd, to move back and forth dealing with his plutonic, deadly, and cleansing personality that desperate attempts to stay in the freedom seeker sign of Aquarius… not quite yet – that little guy – which is larger than life at this moment of history signifies a beginning of what could be defined as a New World Order.

Pluto with a hurray from many astrologers stationed in Aquarius on January 21, 2024. No wonder we notice way too many deaths around the Globe (Death, Pluto’s favorite passion, he also signifies Re-Birth). In some way the Anaretic interpretations are like United States of America’s 248-year Pluto’s return to its original ‘birth, i.e. 1776… We are noticing threats to democracy. Pluto forces fear, anger, manipulation, frustration, and secrets to be revealed in personal as well as public astonishing events. Pluto station Retrograded on May 2, re-enters Capricorn on September 1, to move forward on October 11, at 29°39 Capricorn. Yes, confusing, look at the politicians, the media which clarifies that no final answer is available. The People will speak on November 5, 2024! Thus, in the meantime, an advice is not to waste our precious opinions but go within and find our true vision for ourselves and the collective.

Neptune station Retrograde on July 2nd, at 29° at this moment, will move back to 27°in December of 2024, which is still in tight degrees until in Aries, January 2026. Neptune is the planet of hope and faith as well as confusion, drugs and dissolving of matters…

An active Uranus in Taurus will join a Retrograde line-up of most outer planets on September 2nd. He continues Retrograde until February 4th, 2025. Uranus indicates uncertainty, Re-Evolution as well as explosion and uncertain weather conditions. Uranus implies the acceptance of anything that is unique, different, LGBT+, the Arts, science, and expressions of who we have become at this point of personal growth. Uranus is the planet that we should trust that Evolution is on its way. Uranus moves out of Taurus (in Taurus since 2018) and into Aries in April 2026.

Mars has travelled in Taurus and caused anger issues and continues strong from July 15th until July 20th as he conjuncts Uranus. In addition, the war-like planet station Retrograde on December 6th… Speaking up for the rights of what needs to be resolved – easy does it – the unusual weather, and the increased disagreements continue. The same is to stand up for human rights and choose the true path. Mars station in Gemini on July 20th – nerves will be felt – especially common now-a-days. Make sure to remember your meditations, take walks, cold showers, and your nerves will love you!

Jupiter continues his journey in Gemini, the Good God, the fortunate one isn’t really a happy camper in Gemini, and more than often runs way too fast for comfort. We still must trust Jupiter – when he is great – he is truly the best we got – and in Gemini, we are allowed to change directions. Jupiter will join the outer planet’s Retrograde motion on October 9th until February 3rd. The fast-moving planet station in Cancer on June10th, again, the sign of USA…land of the free?

Chiron continues the hope of healing for Humanity and Mother Earth. The ultimate healer, Chiron in Aries, signifies ‘ME’ are aware of how in fact we all have to confront wounds that might hide deep in our psyche, but we are allowed to visit the many various healing modalities – increasing in acceptance in a New Awareness of equality.

Peace and Love is the ultimate demand as we will petition for a change – if ever so slowly – even if it takes us to 2026…No reason to sit back and observe, but rather accept the larger picture and make sure to take those deep breaths. The demanding US election, often with misinformation from the confusing media, political parties scrambling for representatives, family, friends and neighbors demands silence rather than the words of convincing those pretending to know the final answer. Good Luck to us all, and let’s have faith in the voice within rather than the outer harsh and angry expressions.

Silence is Golden, let’s be careful with words and actions as violence entices violence…