Spring will undoubtedly arrive on March 20 in the Northern Hemisphere; we might have a snowstorm due to the Global Change. Who is not aware of the shift? Better wake up and adjust to a New Awareness of our surroundings, especially the comfort of our evolutionary awareness, adjustments, and participations of our observations, which might possibly be described as A New Age of Living! If you haven’t had an astrological transit, i.e., update lately, this would be a beneficial time to check in with me. I am busy and pleased to notice the increase and interest in the language of astrology. I offer personal consultation in my safe home office in Avon, as well as the convenience of Zoom to be able to reach followers around the globe. For nearby friends and clients, check out the events coming up! Happy Spring …
Saturn, on March 8, moves into Pisces, a water sign signifies hope with cautiousness for the next two and half years. With discipline, and determination Saturn, a strict planet in Pisces invokes promises for those that listen to their inner voice rather than often misleading media or information. In Aquarius from March 8 through February 2026, we will notice an increase of hope, empathy, cultural integration, and especially the alternative field that has noticed an increase since the 1990’s, the last time Saturn was in Pisces. Saturn entered Capricorn 2019, followed by three major cycles coming together during 2020, and now that is the past… With respect to our own lives, seven million lives worldwide perished due to the COVID pandemic. We are asked to pay attention to our own daily lives with increased observation, and appreciation. With the rise of confusion, gun violence, as well as police brutality, war, the list, too long to include, how can we trust the Sky that matters will become ‘better’? For some, no, but for those with resilience and perseverance, yes, the next years are more promising than the last years. Sobriety, necessary for all, as the Pisces controls any type of addiction or obsession and can come into play with harmful outcomes.
Spring Equinox, March 20, (5:24 PM, EST). When the Sun enters the Tropical Zodiac sign of Aries, we notice the crocus, the tulips and the Sun might shine through our windows, as we open our senses to brighter days. We begin the Astrological New Year on the Spring Equinox. Why? The actual stars and the tropical system track the position of the Sun as seen from Earth against the fixed start. Planets are considered dancing on the Ecliptic. The Earth’s Axis is tilted 23°5’, on the Equinox the day and night are equal due to the light from the Sun. More light is noticed in the Northern Hemisphere as the Southern Hemisphere starts their winter and darker season.
Pluto moves into Aquarius, March 24, a very important little guy since 2008. Most astrologers agree that as of March 24, this year, we anticipate a shift in humanitarian aspects throughout the world, depending on where and what we observe. Pluto with his challenging personality does also have a necessary and conductive awareness of before there is any type of Death – there must be a Birth – and that is what we should focus on, to unconditionally live in this moment of time. Corruption, taxes, crimes – as well as cleansing, faith, revitalization, and alternative living – sums up to healing the Earth, doesn’t it? Pluto station Retrograde on June 12, back to Capricorn – what is not finished with the purging – will continue – staying focused, we will notice another shift by October 27, 2023, and then finally, understood by most by November of 2024. We are also, respectfully observing the 248-year Pluto return in the US natal birth chart, supposedly, July 4,1776, continuing debate, research, and still revealing facts of who was here thousands of years ago … Transiting Pluto in Capricorn touches USA’s natal point at 48’34 as we speak, which is transformative, and metamorphic!

Friday, March 3
Farmington – The Bloom Center
Where Are You Going?
Presented by Agneta Borstein,
Astrologer, Shamanic Practitioner
With simplified planetary observations, Agneta will share how your personal growth during these exceptional and evolutionary times might affect you. The information will be explored further with a Shamanic Journey allowing you to welcome the year ahead in practical and spiritual ways.
Held at: The Bloom Center, 128 Garden Street, Farmington.
Time: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM, Cost: $25.00
Register at, bloom23productions@gmail.com
Or call Christine Mola at, 860.997.7196

Saturday, March 18, 2023, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Welcoming Spring through Evolutionary Rituals and Shamanic Journeying
Presented by Agneta Borstein, Astrologer, Shamanic Practitioner, and Author, with
Aaron Weston, Reiki Master, Energy, and Yoga Instructor
Held at The Bridge Healing Art Center, 304 Main Street, Farmington, CT.
We gather in a Circle to welcome the Spring in the Northern Hemisphere when we find the Sun sharing its light to enter our body and essence. Through body movements directed by Aaron, the release of the dark winter months is incorporated and restored with a lighter body, mind, and soul.
Through simplified planetary explorations, Agneta will share the potent and exciting planetary shifts occurring during 2023. Your integration and personal preparation to welcome Spring will be synthesized through a Shamanic Drumming Journey.
$25.00, Register at, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/welcoming-spring-through-evolutionary-rituals-and-shamanic-journeying-tickets-543118039677
Or Venmo, AgnetaBorstein@Agneta-Borstein